And The Award Goes Too......

by Lakisha Cunningham, June 25, 2021

  There is someone special to me that will be one year from 40 tomorrow and on top of that she is about to be a Grandma in a few months. I mean it's safe to say at this point that crap just got real. You not only have the responsibility of your kids but the responsibility of their kids. You blinked and now you have to buy more presents, go to events, buy extra cars, food and the list goes on. There is no denying that you are a REAL LIFE ADULT at this point. I mean when you just have your kids, you can still pretend that you are young but when you are a Grandma, that hits totally different. You can't party like you use too, you have to block the grandkids from your social media accounts, hide the alcohol, etc. You are to determine if you are going to tell your grandkids that your boyfriends are their uncles and how do you explain, if you decide to fire some of those uncles. What if they were really attached to Uncle Eddie? 

 I also hope that you dont become one of those overbearing grandparents that don't let their kids be great. I really would hate to stage an intervention but I will do what I have to do. That is my solemn promise. Anywho, I said all of this to say Happy Birthday!! (Dont block me ok!) :-) 

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