Things I Don't Understand Part 1

by Lakisha Cunningham, April 12, 2020
The time spent sheltering in place, quarantining, social distancing or whatever we are currently doing at the moment has allowed my mind to mull things that it would not necessarily mull before. I'm going to share a few of them with you today and maybe you can help me understand.

1. Is cotton being effected by Corona? My Q-tips have not had the same amount of cotton. I could have bought the off-brand at this point and had the same success. Unless someone is switching my Q-Tips off with loose cotton sticks, Q-Tip has some explaining to do because there is nothing Q about my tip.

2. Why do people say Happy Birthday to people that are alive and not on FB? Do you really take them your phone to show them all of the people that said Happy Birthday on your social media? Also, is the thank you message from them sincere or is that something you made up because clearly, they don't care about being on social media.

3. Why are we mad at Justin Timberlake for basically saying that 24/7 parenting is for the birds? Do you know how many days I've wished that the daycare would call and tell me that it's open? Kudos to you super parents but some of us need a break and we need it NOW.

4.  Why do I spend an hour creating something that I can go to the store and buy? I find myself spending $1000 on something that I could buy for $3 and spend about $2.50 on gas. Is that personalized touch really worth that much? How much should it cost to say it was created with love. The jury is still out on that.

If you have explanations, please feel free to drop it in the comments. Until then, be safe and Have a Happy Easter!!
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