Let Me Breathe

by Lakisha Cunningham, June 02, 2020
I sat here and I wrote words that I erase. I can't put into words what I feel. This pain isn't new. The fear isn't new. However, every time we find ourselves here again, it all feels new again like stitches ripped away too early from a wound that hasn't healed. One of the things that saddens me the most is the loud ringing of the silence of some of my "friends". (There will be disconnection notices coming to a mailbox near you, for some, real soon).

   Being black should mean pride, resilience, strength, and boldness. However, we are desired to be everything but any of those traits, and some of us have fallen for that. We have let others dictate what we deem as success, they have stolen our voices and replaced it with one that does not uniquely belong to us. Everything we produce has been taken. Our culture is repeatedly raped, our value exploited, and yet there still remains disdain for people of color. How can you love everything that makes me who I am but hate me?
   To the members of the black community, please love yourself!!! We have to start there first and teach our children to take pride in themselves. Learn about our history and teach them so they understand where we have been and where we are headed. We have to respect ourselves and build our own communities. A person has no control over someone that does not need them for survival.
   Also, yes we love the Lord but stop using religion as an excuse to do nothing. Leaving it in the Lord's hands is not the solution to the problem unless you are contemplating murder and even, in that case, it still may not be the best option. (Sorry but I"m just being honest. If it comes down to you or them, I hope you choose yourself). Stop apologizing for being black. Your black skin is not a crime.  A lot of us in corporate America are watered-down versions of ourselves because we are trying to fit into their world. We don't want to be too black but dangit that is what we are, EMBRACE IT!!!
   Let's do what we can to support the movement. The primaries are coming up and they are seeking volunteers to help on June 9th. If you would like to get involved, please visit https://scdp.org/takeaction/.  Let's get people in office that will listen to our voices and step up. In the next few days, after doing some research, I'll be posting links in one place for people that would like to get involved. Until next time, stay safe, stay woke.

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